Individual Tax Return

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Individual Tax Return Advisor in Melbourne

An Australian resident must file an income tax return when taxable income reaches the tax-free level of AUD 18,200. A non-resident who earns AUD 1 or more of Australian income from Australia is required to file an individual tax return.

However, a non-resident individual is only liable for Australian income tax on income obtained from Australian sources and certain statutory income that is taxed on a basis other than source (as opposed to interest, royalties, and dividends, which are typically subject to withholding tax -WHT). Now, understanding all these, you definitely need an advisor to help you navigate the complex world of taxation.

As a renowned tax specialist, Expert Tax prepares individual tax returns for all industry types, from tradesmen to teachers, to doctors, including sole traders and property investors (Negative Gearing) in Melbourne & Williams Landing.

Individual Tax Return

Maximise Your Tax Return with Expert Tax in Williams Landing

We are registered and experienced tax agents who work closely with you to ensure no tax offsets or deductions are missed. At Expert Tax, your tax return will not be lodged until you are satisfied, with the option of making any number of changes before finalising.

A list of some of our individual clientele includes the following:

Tax Return Expert for Individuals in Williams Landing & Melbourne

As a professional tax adviser to a wide range of clientele, we employ only qualified staff with accounting backgrounds who understand tax and know what can be claimed on a tax return, depending on individual circumstances.

Some of our primary services include:

Tax Return Preparation & Lodgement

  • Preparing and reviewing tax returns and lodgement for individuals
  • Assist you with negative gearing, PAYGW Variation
  • Researching tax issues of your corporate and personal income taxes, sales and use tax, property tax, franchise tax, and estimated taxes
  • Advise on tax planning & general ongoing
  • Set up ATO payment arrangements
  • Self-Managed Super Funds

We help you grow and develop your business and wealth by implementing tax minimisation strategies that bring about improved tax refunds and reduced tax legal responsibility. In short, we suggest the proper steps to maximise your tax refund.

Call us on 0449 952 855 (Williams Landing) or book a no-obligation appointment to assess your current taxation circumstances.

    Tax returns from $88*

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